The provisioning of attractive TV programs is an important tool of tenant retention in the housing industry or guest retention in the hospitality sector. Many operators of smaller housing estates, hotels, guesthouses, and residential homes opt for satellite reception for this purpose.

FA thorough on-site analysis of the already existing distribution infrastructure, the buildings and the de facto requirements is needed prior to planning and designing a suitable satellite distribution system. WISI software, purpose-built for installation planning, ensures the optimal configuration of reception and distribution components.

Products for Sat Receiving Systems

The standard for distributing satellite signals is the star-type distribution. In larger complexes multi-switches are installed, which can be connected in serial configurations according to the number of housing units or rooms. A further advantage of multi-switches is that they usually have an additional input for aerials. This allows satellite distribution operators to feed in additional regional and local DVB-T channels and VHF signals to their subscribers via the antenna cable. A SAT distribution chain is only as strong as its weakest link. The use of WISI high-quality class A components is a sure way to achieve the main objective of a satellite distribution system: the smooth and failure-free operation of the installation.

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