Fiber Nodes
Network terminations for HFC, RFoG & FTTx
WISI provides a variety of products for the termination of the optical transmission network. Whether cable network, fiber-to-the-building or fiber-to-the-home, we offer the right equipment for each application.
Fiber nodes for all HFC network sizes and network topologies
We offer a number of different products based on the latest technology for the installation and development of cable networks. The appeal of our fiber nodes lies with their high performance, low power consumption and a flexible structure, which allows the use for the most diverse applications.

RF over Glass – the cable way for fiber to the home
Due to the use of standard technologies from the HFC environment such as DVB and DOCSIS, RF over Glass is the ideal FTTx technology for cable operators. The WISI RF over Glass fiber nodes are specifically optimized for fast switching pulses of the return path laser and an extremely high performance of the upstream transmission.
Optical receiver for FTTx
We offer different nodes for fiber-to-the-home and fiber-to-the-building applications, which serve to feed analogue and digital TV programs into the existing coaxial infrastructure of the building. Depending on the size of the building and technology transfer, there are different optical receivers available to the network operator.